Tuesday, January 20, 2009

me and Trixie

I have be teaching Trixie a whole bunch of new tricks. She is such a fast learner! first I taught her how to shake. I would just say shake and then put her paw in my hand. I would keep doing this till she would do it on her own. Then I taught her how to roll over. It took a long time for her to learn it. I also am working on getting her to stand up on her hind legs. She is doing good but some times when she is standing she gets me in the stomach. Then I taught her how to get up, walk across, sit and lie down on the coffee table. Of course I asked my mom if I could teach her that trick first.

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  1. Hello Sophie,
    It sure looks like you are a great trainer. I'll bet Trixie loves learning from you. You've got a nice mom to let Trixie get up on the coffee table. I'm a meaner mom than that. Just ask Max or Colette. Love ya!
    Aunt Mindy

  2. Wow, you're good. Maybe you should be a teacher someday. You can come work with me in Hawaii. That would be so fun! (for me anyway)
