Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chalk walk

When I went to are class my teacher told us about this festival going on where you can sign up and get this 10 by 10 square and draw what ever you want on it. So I decided to do it with my friend Hannah!

The out line took us forever. You might be able to guess what it is.

We had 2 days to finish it and it took us about 8 hours.

We put tape around it so it would look cleaner.

There were lots of really good artists there.

This is one that I liked.

My art teacher did this one.

It was lots of fun. I would definitely do it next year!


  1. Wow Sophie! That is very cool! You did a great job on yours. I really like the one your art teacher did too. Can't wait to see next years entry.

  2. OMGosh Soph! What a very cool thing to do! I love your block. Was it in Round Rock or Austin? It just seems so Austin-y.
    You are one talented chicka.

  3. Such a great thing to do! Your block looks amazing and your art teacher's is beautiful and so funny. Does Hannah like art as much as you do?
